34 Terrible Effects of Air conditioners.
It's very common nowadays to enjoy air conditioners (AC) in homes,cars, shopping malls, theaters, schools and colleges. Guys, do you know too much of Air conditioner (AC) is not good for humans and as well as for nature also.
In this post we are going to see about the Terrible Effects of air conditioners. OK, let's see.
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When I was a child, I thought air conditioners (AC) were a symbol of status. But when I was growing up I learnt somewhat wrong and better truth that enjoying too much of AC is not good for humans and nature.
Air container (AC) is a great invention. That A.C was invented by Willis Haviland Carrier. Air conditioner A.C was introduced in year 1902. That A.C name given by Willis Haviland Carrier . To control temperature and humidity in his company.
Do you think Air conditioner air is pure air?
Air Conditioner air is a type of air which is artificial air. It's not natural air, it's just artificial air, not fresh air. In the early years, conditioners were used to control the machine's temperature and to cool the heat produced by the machine. And to cool the room also.
Humans are moving to a high comfort zone. Humans are involved in the satisfaction of life. Humans are indirectly harming themselves and nature too.
Let's see why humans are going for Air Conditioner (AC).?
Mainly, the first preference goes for the comfort zone and luxuries. Let's see somewhat deep. The rise in temperature in the early years goes under trees, and leaves it hard to maintain normal temperatures. Nowadays, the increase in modern life is with A.C.
How Air Conditioner A.C harms to humans ?.
Have you enjoyed Air Conditioner A.C every time and could you observe any difference while enjoying A. C. If you are not? If you do not, it is OK Let's see what happens. It feels nauseated, claustrophobic, lethargic.
What are the symptoms of early A.C pressure on humans?
After staying too much in Air Conditioner A.C . You guys start to feel shivering, your body goes under temperature, your skin turns into dry, decreases the moisture in the skin. It also causes itchy skin, starts dehydration in the body, decreases the glucose/energy levels of the body, and comes with a headache,cold and a cough. Feels like losing energy and drying the body.
. Air Conditioner A.C contaminates the air which is present around the A.C. That air causes different types of diseases and deficiencies.
After having more Air Conditioner AC . It contaminates the human's respiratory system. Yes, that air contaminates the lungs. That is the reason for vitamin-D deficiency. They are caused by pollution of the air.
How Air Conditioner A.C Effects?.
Air Conditioner A.C contains the Air filters.
That A.C Air Conditioner traps the dirt, bacteria and fungus. These bacteria and fungus grow in air filters and start containment the surrounding air with air conditioners and artificial air. Without cleaning the filters . They start releasing the room which is not cleaned on time.
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What happens with low temperature?
There are types of effects of low temperature. Effects of natural low temperature and artificial low temperature.
Here, taking the lead with the artificial low temperature with the effects of Air Conditioner A.C
Low temperatures can lead to muscle contraction, headaches and backaches. When your body stays at a temperature below its liking . It develops pain in joints and muscles which may become rheumatic over time. That skin also affects in different ways.
You get too old fastly.
Aging skin.
Yes, of course, Air Conditioner A.C can also make your skin age prematurely. Your skin begins shivering as it loses moisture, it decreases the elastic quantity which presents in skin. The skin starts to sink all with Air Conditioner A.C
Airconditioner A.C impacts on environment...
At present, this generation is facing more problems with global warming, increasing temperatures, decreasing Himalayan heights, reducing greenery, decreasing the ozone layer. For those problems, humans are also reason and responsible.
Due to Air conditioner A.C, it releases more carbon dioxide into the environment . Air conditioner A.C consumes more power day by day, increasing the quantity of usage.
The environment is given to humans by many humans, but in return we are destroying too much .
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Those are the points we discussed on the post-effects of air conditioners on all types.